Destination KennebunkART
There are so many wonderful Art Galleries and Studios in Kennebunkport and Kennebunk Lower Village, Downtown Kennebunk and Cape Porpoise.
The beautiful seaside towns of Kennebunkport, Cape Porpoise, Goose Rocks and Kennebunk Beach are full of inspiration for artists. Growing with big brush strokes, the Kennebunks are now home to several bustling art galleries. Visitors can savor the Kennebunks art scene in any season.
Downtown Kennebunk has a 2nd Friday Art Walk on Main Street in summer with open houses at galleries and Waterhouse Center, plus live music, food trucks and drinks specials at local establishments.
Dock Square in Kennebunkport is home to several beautiful boutique galleries including Abacus, Rusty Fly, True North and Compliments in the heart of the Port. The Kennebunkport Historical Society’s White Columns on Maine Street is home to beautiful historical works of art and a collection of photos of the Bush Family and their time in Kennebunkport on Walkers Point during George H W Bush’s presidency and beyond. Mast Cove Gallery and the Kennebunkport Graves Memorial Library, next door to each other, both feature priceless art works, and those with prices too for the art collector in you.
Heading out Ocean Avenue to President Bush’s famous Walkers Point estate, you will pass several galleries, like Robert Paine, Landmark Gallery and North Light Gallery. Photographers will love Christopher Becker Photography gallery featuring time exposure photos of cityscapes, the seaside, and a fantastic collective of dog photography.

Be sure to also visit Maine Art on Western Ave. for its big collection, and Sue Rioux Designs on Port Road to see her amazing kaleidoscopes heading up Port Road.
River Tree Center for The Arts is a non-profit art society with changing art exhibits, painting, jewelry making, pottery and sculpture classes, and Pecha Kucha evenings where artists, scientists and professional provide insightful impromptu lectures.
Kennebunk’s Route 35 to Summer Street brings you to Jack Nahill’s Gallery. Proceeding along historic Summer Street, you are treated to spectacular architecture from Victorian to Gothic and Federal mansions that line the Kennebunk River and speak to the craftsmanship and the grand lifestyle of centuries ago – the Wedding Cake House being the most photographed and famous.
In downtown Kennebunk, The Brick Store Museum on Main Street offers more historical art depicting the evolution of Kennebunk from the shipbuilding period to the turn of the century social heydays to Presidents and the progression of the towns.
Abacus Gallery, 2 Ocean Ave, Kennebunkport, 207-967-0111
Since 1971 featuring the Abacus calendar and artwork by Maine artist Dana Heacock, and an exciting selection of crafts.
Christopher Becker Photo Gallery, 127 Ocean Ave, Kennebunkport -207-967-0069
Compliments Gallery, Dock Square, Kennebunkport – 207-967-2269, Gallery of fine American crafts featuring the calendar and works of Maine artist Kate Libby.
F-8 Photography Gallery, 5 Spring Street, Kennebunkport, 207-967-3227, A contemporary fine art photography gallery
Kennebunkport Historical Society, 125 North Street, Kennebunkport, 207-967-2751
Sue Rioux Kaleidoscopes, Port Road, Kennebunk, across from Pedros.
River Tree Arts, 35 Western Avenue, Kennebunk, 207-967-9120, a nonprofit community arts organization offering music lessons, preschool art and music classes, after school enrichment…
Brick Store Museum, 117 Main Street, Kennebunk, 207-985-4802
Destination KennebunkART

2nd Friday Art Walk in Kennebunk