Kennebunkport locals can be salty, a bit sarcastic… hard-working. They can also be wicked funny… if you know their lingo. While Kennebunkport has become a bit “bougie” with “instagram-able” trendy hotels, bars and restaurants… you can still seek out fishermen, business owners, and families who have lived here for decades, even centuries! They take tremendous pride in their seaside community, and sometimes they poke fun at “folks from away”…aka: tourists.
If you meet an authentic “Mainah”, at Bradbury’s Market, the historic Kennebunkport Post Office, the Pilot House bar, or the fishing docks at Government Wharf, here’s a guide to know what the heck they’re saying, with their wicked Maine accents. Don’t take offense, it ain’t nothin’ a lobstah roll won’t cure.
Some Local Terms Out n About in The Port!
Ayuh – means yes, or at least acknowledgment from a Mainah.
Bah Hahbah – Bar Harbor pronounced by a Mainah – you see “er” is pronounced ah… R’s dont get much love in Maine. Don’t come to Kennebunkport asking about Bar Harbor, this ain’t it… that’s “DownEast”, don’t ya know.
Beans or the Beanah – LL Beans’ famous store – you go to Beans or the Beanah to get new Beanah boots or a “boat tote”. Drop the LL to sound like a local.
Bob Marley – a wicked funny Maine comedian, Maine loves him more than the pot-smokin, peace-pledging Jamaican of the same name.
Bush Gawkahs – the tourists that line Ocean Ave to catch a glimpse of the Presidential Bush Family at Walkers Point are “gawkahs.”
Cah – this is a car… good luck finding a pahking spot for your cah 4th of July at the beach… just sayin’.
Camp – a Maine summer home, you go upta camp where there is no wifi, cell service, etc. Some Mainahs also have a huntin’camp… even less fancy…
Cottage – sounds humble and charming, but the summah cottages on Ocean Ave are wicked fancy… for those summah’ visitahs.
Chowdah – delicious Maine soup of white cream usually chock full of clams or lobster, hopefully not too much fillah’ like damn potatoes!
Clammin – digging for mussels or clams.
Cunnin – cute or adorable… babies and puppies are cunnin’, lobstahs are not!
Deah – a four legged animal with antlers – deer, smaller than a moose but still good huntin, fill ya freezah for wintah.
Down East – by definition: heading up the Maine coast beyond Boothbay, not actually down geographically.
Fay yah– a Fair or festival of farm animals, rides, craft and fried dough, The Fryeburg Fair for example – usually held in the summah.
Flatlander – visitors from away, usually Massachusetts (aka: mass-holes).
41 is local code former President George HW Bus. 43 is former President George W Bush, he’s also just called Dubya around town – he’s often seen at spin class, he’s big inta “bikin’.

Lobstah – singular, plural, just leave off the r, and don’t ask why they aren’t red if they haven’t been cooked yet. Get to know “hahd shell” vs. soft shell, chicks and culls too which are a bahgain versus two clawed big lobstahs.
Maahhden’s – speaking of “bahgains”, this Maine salvage & surplus store – Mardens in Biddo (Biddeford)- is where you find wicked good bahgains on a whole mess of stuff. One man’s factory reject is another man’s treasah.
Reny’s – same thing as Marden’s, and you can get Caahahts here – everyone in Maine wears Carharts – their indestructible, flame- retardant work pants, don’t ya know…
Snomachinin – going snowmobiling upta camp is what Mainahs do in wintah’.
Watah -be sure you “get out on the watah” because that’s the best way to “sea” Maine! Several tour boats go out, with locally narrated trips, get onboard a sailboat, whale watch or lobstah boat, or go kayaking out the Kennebunk Rivah!
Wicked – an exclamation – wicked good chowdah, wicked cold, wicked hot, wicked some awful weathah…
Weatha is a whole other topic that Mainahs chat, bitch, complain about and ponder exhaustively… too many superlatives about the weatha… that’s a whole otha blog…
“You can’t get theya from heah” – a Mainer’s disinterest in providing you directions…
Now you know a little local-speak. Enjoy your visit to Kennebunkport Maine, and don’t be wicked shocked if the locals aren’t overly chatty with you. You’re from away, so you ain’t one a’them, don’t ya know.
Be sure you “get out on the watah” because that’s the best way to “sea” Maine, ayuh!
See how to pack for Kennebunkport vacation and not look like a tourist too!
Where to stay and play in Kennebunkport Maine!